Multiple Sclerosis Assistance Fund

Multiple sclerosis is not a sentence! We can fight together!

Your text!

2.3 million patients with multiple sclerosis in the world
2,000 patients with multiple sclerosis in Kazakhstan
10-45 years old - at this age, the diagnosis is most often made
1 man for 2-3 women sick m.s.
Multiple Sclerosis Articles
Muscle development exercises
Muscle development exercises

General recommendations for strengthening muscles ...

Exercises for Brain Development
Exercises for Brain Development

Some exercises to help you stay in good ...

Household Fatigue Syndrome
Household Fatigue Syndrome

Lack of internal stimuli, vitality and constantly ...

So that my back stops hurting
So that my back stops hurting

Some exercises to help you stay in good ...

Follow the principles of healthy eating
Follow the principles of healthy eating

General recommendations, reviews of doctors and scientific facts

Физические упражнения
Our partners
Казахская государственная филармония им. Жамбыла
Государственный музей искусств РК им. Кастеева
Клиника Современной Неврологии и Нейрореабилитации Shashkin Clinic
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